5 kinds of people who should attend ‘Ang Dating Daan’s Mass Indoctrination sessions
The Old Path or more famously known as Ang Dating Daan is a religious TV show that’s been running for almost 40 years in the Philippines. The one and only (yet to be challenged, which I doubt someone will) religious program who can answer any (yes, I’m not exaggerating) religious question.
Since the lock downs and community quarantines has started in different parts of the world and mass gathering has been banned, we at Members Church of God International (MCGI) grabbed the opportunity to reach and preach to more people by live streaming our bible studies, expositions(the famous and unparalleled Q&A sessions) and now including the mass indoctrination which was never been done in live, public, online streaming.
What is Mass Indoctrination?
Mass indoctrination are learning sessions focused on the principles of the complete doctrine(Yes, complete) of our Lord Jesus Christ presented for acceptance, which is a prerequisite before anyone can be baptized, and be a member of the church.
Who exactly is it for? I’ll say it’s for everyone as God wants all of us to know the truth, and of course to be saved.
3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. | 1 Timothy 2:3–4
But to be more specific, hopefully persuasive, here’s a list of people who should attend our Mass Indoctrination sessions
Bible readers and enthusiasts
As this is hosted by Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon, it’ll be a shame not to know them and how they study and use the bible. As mentioned earlier, the program “Ang Dating Daan” translated as “The Old Path” has been running for 40 years and been answering even the most complex or intriguing — “seemingly” contradictions questions.
As I’ve remember Bro. Eli have said, our lifetime is not enough to understand everything about what is within the Bible and God’s will, specially if you don’t have the right teachers to unlock the mysteries and wisdom behind every verse.
Genuine truth seekers
Yes, with a strong emphasis in the word “Genuine”. I said this because some people say that they are looking for the truth but immediately turns their back or turn a blind eye when the truth starts smacking their faces.
We all know that It’s easy to claim one thing, and proving is another. If you’re a genuine seeker of the truth, make sure you don’t let this one pass.
Depressed and lost
Even before this pandemic. All of us will or have experienced some level of sadness and the feeling of being lost. And I did grouped it in to one as I don’t think you’ll be depressed if you’re not lost, or don’t have hopes in the future.
And I think these trying times have multiplied those sad feelings and anxieties which is affecting all of us.
Yes, we can try to look for inspirations elsewhere, but I believe that the best place to look for inspiration, hope and guidance is within the messages of our Creator, as He knows us more than anyone else, and He made sure that the Bible is complete, written as a guide on how we should live our life so that we don’t get lost.
Looking for God and His real church
Thousands of different religions exists nowadays. Registered or not, it is a reality and it may get overwhelming for some. To the point that some people concluded that “it’s all the same”. If it’s all the same, why do preachers bother creating different sects to the point of killing each other?
If you’re looking for God and His real church, the only way to know is to be open-minded and to search for the truth, and I’ll boldly say and ready to be proven wrong that I’ve found it here and sharing this testimony so you can find it too.
Looking for a real change in life
Most of us, if not all had made “new year resolutions”. This has been a worldwide trend and tradition which basically aims to get rid of the vices, bad habits or lifestyle and try to change, to be a better person.
In reality, almost everyone fails after a while.
If you’re tried of doing that on a yearly basis and looking for a real change. To get rid of the bad things in life and be a better person for good. Then you’ve found the solution, as God wants everyone of us to be save, He provided a complete guide of how we should live our lives and be the best version of us.
Of course you may still be skeptical, you should. But then again, you can’t know for sure if you won’t give it a chance.
We all invest time when we are trying to purchase something, even watching reviews or asking experts to ensure that it is the best option for us. Why not apply that kind of mindset as well when it comes to investing for our souls.
Why not invest time ensure that our belief is actually the real thing?
Visit our Website, Facebook page , Twitter and YouTube channel to know more about us and our Mass Indoctrination and other services.