I’m here and that’s more than enough for me to be thankful.
Yes of course, I have problems.
Yes, I have my battles. Within and around me.
Yes, I struggle on a regular basis.
Yes, I still experience sadness, frustrations and failures.
Yes, though confident, I am usually dissatisfied with what I can do and what I’ve done.
Yes, I don’t experience everything that I want and expect to.
Yes, I don’t have everything that I want.
Yes, I still feel fear and uncomfortable on things that I am not certain of.
No, the world isn’t safe nor perfect.
No, my life isn’t perfect.
But that’s okay, because I have everything that I need.
It’s okay to experience unpleasant things. It’s a lot easier to appreciate the simplest and smallest things in life that a lot of people take for granted nowadays.
And to be honest, being here is more than enough for to have a thankful, grateful, positive perspective in life.
What about you?