The day I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself.
Today, December 14, 2018. As I wake up and preparing to go to the gym, I was talking to myself, pep-talky way. Not audible, but still — I was talking to myself, on a second person voice or point of view.
Well, I did this because I noticed that I’m constantly feeling sorry for myself for the things that I can’t even control. For the things that did and didn’t happen to me. No matter how sad, frustrating or whatever negative emotion it is, most of the time it’s not helpful. It’s a burden that kept popping out from nowhere especially when I’m alone, which is frequent as I live on my own. Oohh rhyming.
Anyway, for the ‘talking’ part, I was fired-up and thankful after receiving it. FROM MYSELF. How crazy is that? Haha! I felt a lot more motivated and energized while doing my workout. And to be honest, this piece of writing is also an output from being fired-up after that talk.
What exactly did I say to myself? I wanted to share it verbatim, but as I’ve been walking and not really audibly saying anything, I wasn’t able to capture it that way, but basically, something similar to this.
“You should stop feeling sorry for yourself just because something isn’t working towards what you want.”
“You should continue appreciating what had happened to you, what you can do, what God had given you, the chances, opportunities, and everything that made you what you are right now.”
“God didn’t give you another day to be sad, miserable or feel sorry about yourself but to seize it and make it matter. To move forward. To consume it and give it a meaning. To be deliberate with every action.”
“You know it yourself, you’ve been giving this advice for so many times to your love ones and friends, but you’re not fully embracing it . From now on, accept the fact that not everything will work your way, with what you want and that’s okay. That’s fine, as long as you do your part, because everything will work out in the end knowing that God is the director of your wonderful story, working with you. Accept, embrace and always remind yourself that everything works out in the end and every struggle will be temporary, no matter how hard it is.”
I believe I said more, to the point that I was tearing up, unfortunately, I can’t remember all of it. But hey!
Moving on, I shared this for myself, and my future self, if ever I go back to being my miserable self.
I also shared this hoping that someone will find it motivating and beneficial as well.