TIL: That Sunday is actually the best day to start the week.
It’s been years since I noticed that a lot of calendars and to-do lists starts its week in Sundays, and it really doesn’t make any sense to me until today.
It didn’t make any sense as we all of us, whether a student or an employee works Monday to Friday and keeps the weekend as rest days right?
But then it hit me.
As I started my Sunday planning just for the rest of the day, I noticed that I also added tasks that I want and need to do for rest of the week.
To me, it was refreshing. Why just now? LOL.
Anyway, I hope I can sustain this mindset as I am very new to this, but it does make sense now. As planning won’t take the whole day, and can make the rest of the week exciting or at least I am mindfully tackling things for the rest of the week.